Jun 16Liked by Kim Moore and Clare Shaw

This is wonderful. Will the podcast be available as a recording. I am working with a group of women living in refuges or accessing other services for vulnerable women - I"d love them to be able to see ways they can write about their experiences, if they wish to. They do all have support outwith the writing group to help process the new experiences writing about their old experiences may bring

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Hi Susan - many thanks. Yes, it will be available as a recording, and if you check out Abigail's eventbrite - there are recordings available from the other earlier sessions as well. Let me know if you can't find them, and I'll pop a link on here. That's fantastic that you are doing this work - please get in touch if you have a library etc - would be very happy to send a copy of my book along for the group if you think they'd like one.

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Sorry to be slow replying. I've been away and had an embarrassingly unfruitful struggle with the hotel wi-fi - almost as annoying aging as someone giving you their seat on the tube, and accepting it. That is such a generous offer of the book - we don't have a library but we should and would love to accept your generous offer to set it off. The women share their thoughts and listen carefully to each other, and to the pieces of writing that we take along, while we are together but to take a book away and dip into it at their own pace and in their own time would be a different thing altogether. Thankyou so much.

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Jun 15Liked by Kim Moore and Clare Shaw

Thanks Kim, Damaged Cento is brilliant. I love how you’ve put it together and it still flows. I totally recognise that circling around themes. Sorry I can’t make it on Wednesday, it sounds really interesting. I hope it goes well. Big love ❤️🤗🤗

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Thanks Ann x

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