3 hrs agoLiked by Kim Moore and Clare Shaw

Thanks for writing and sharing this Clare. It’s so kind of you to send feedback on your long-listed poems. If I was a poet that received feedback from you like that I’d feel like a winner. I didn’t enter this one because I was too busy and a wee bit disorganised. Love and hugs to you hero-poet ❤️🤗🤗

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3 hrs agoLiked by Kim Moore and Clare Shaw

Thanks for the comments Clare. I think we would all enjoy reading feedback from an experienced poet. I have definitely learnt more in workshops than researching alone.

I was over-awed by the quality of the shortlist. Without seeing the work, many of them seem to be narrative poems. Is this something that appeals to you? That type of poem takes some getting my head around.




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Oooo, that's so interesting ... I've just looked through the anthology and you're right - around half of the longlisted poems are narrative poems! I genuinely hadn't noticed. And it's very interesting as that's not usually the type of poem I'm drawn to - and definitely not often the type of poem I write. I wonder if they work especially well as a competition poem ... or if they tend to be the poems we submit ... or if it's just a coincidence? I'll think on! x

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4 hrs agoLiked by Kim Moore and Clare Shaw

Thankyou for this post Clare,

It’s super helpful and also I feel very validated - I started entering competitions very early in my writing because I didn’t know any other way to receive feedback. Now I have found ways but always still seeking more. Workshops are the most wonderful, collaborative creative space.

It’s been brilliant reading your perspective as a judge.

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I'm so glad it's helpful for you, Elizabeth!

I absolutely definitely could not thrive as a writer without feedback .... these days it's from a small group of trusted friends. But i often find workshops a very useful generative space where I can start new and unexpected poems ... x

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As usual you give honest and valuable advice. Most poets would love to understand why their work didn't make the shortlist. Looking forward to hearing your feedback at the end of this month.

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Such a useful article Clare thank you, and having been at the awards (online) it’s great to get even more insight into your selection process. Your generosity as a poet that shares these thoughts and your experience is appreciated I’m sure by many aspiring poets. It’s also inspired me to kick my own bum and find the courage to submit.

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